“Here at Sutherland Law, we are in your corner.”
  There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. That is why our lawyers tailor their legal strategies and professional advice in a way that works best for you and your goals.
  Sutherland Law has developed an extensive practice devoted to assisting management-side clients, from small, independently-owned businesses to large-scale national companies, on employment-related issues. Regardless of your case’s complexity, we are prepared to represent you to the very end, whether it be at mediation, arbitration or trial. We have experience representing clients at all levels of court in Ontario, the
Ontario Labour Relations Board and the
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.
Our lawyers are ready to advise and represent you in any of the following areas:
  Workplace standards, policies, and procedures
  Full and Final Releases
  Constructive dismissals
  Human rights complaints
  Drafting employment contracts
  Workplace investigations and disputes
  Restrictive covenants (non-solicitation clauses and non-competition clauses)
  Notice periods
  Wrongful dismissals