Getting Married? Add Consulting an Experienced Family Law Attorney to Your Checklist

When you’re planning to get married, you have a lot to do, and a visit to a family law attorney may be the last thing on your mind. But at Sutherland Law, we feel you should add consulting a family law attorney to your marriage preparation checklist. 

If you’re planning to get married this year, you’re not alone – 2022 is expected to be a boom year for marriages. A visit to the lawyer could help set you up for future success, allowing you to talk openly about your current financial situation, your future goals, and how you will care for children. It’s also practically a must if one or both partners are entering their second marriage.

A Marriage Contract (Prenuptial Agreement) is Not Just for the Rich

It’s a television and movie trope – a rich spouse “tricks” the other into signing a prenup, or their family pushes for a prenup, and the spouse refuses…because they’re in love, it’s not about money. The request either creates conflict in the relationship and the marriage is almost called off. 

Many of us have immediate negative impressions of a prenuptial agreement – or marriage contract. And you may believe it’s all about money, but it’s about much more than that. 

A Marriage Contract Can Help Set Your Marriage Up for Success

Money is the number one topic couples argue about. It’s also one of the top reasons for divorce. Differing attitudes towards money, opposing financial goals, prior debt, poor spending habits…the stress of managing finances along with a relationship can tear many couples apart. 

Despite this, many couples don’t talk about money. It’s considered a taboo topic. 

A visit to your family law attorney can kick start the conversation, and bring financial issues out into the open. Then together you can make a plan to protect your financial futures and set your marriage up for success.

It’s simpler to make these decisions when you are happy together and excited about getting married. But when money issues become a problem, your relationship may not feel so rosy. A marriage contract can also include processes for dispute resolution that you can fall back on in times of marital stress.

Why a Marriage Contract (Prenuptial Agreement) May be Right for You

Here are some of the other reasons you may consider visiting a family law attorney to discuss a marriage contract:

You are remarrying

A second marriage comes with different legal and financial concerns. You may have property or children from your first marriage, and you may have spousal support of child support. A family law attorney can help you sort through your financial obligations, and draw up documents to ensure your assets are distributed per your wishes upon your death.

You own a business or part of a business

If your marriage ends, your spouse could get part of your business in the divorce process. You or your business partners may wish to keep the business separate from your marriage.

You wish to have children 

If children are a part of your marriage plan, talk about it now. Who will take time off work to care for the children? Will one spouse quit their job to raise the children? A prenuptial agreement can outline how you will share the financial burden of raising children.

You have property you want to protect

Whether it’s family jewelry, art, or a family cottage, you may be bringing property into the marriage that you can enjoy together, but wish to have it remain “in the family”. You can specify who will inherit that property in your will, estate plan, or marriage contract.

Choose Experience – Choose Sutherland Law

When you’re looking for an experienced family law attorney, choose the team at Sutherland Law. For more than thirty years, Sutherland Law has worked with families in Vaughan and the Greater Toronto Area to provide outstanding service and creative legal solutions. Whether you wish to create a marriage contract, will or estate plan, our team of experienced lawyers are here to help. Contact us to book a consultation today.

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