How a Family Law Lawyer Can Help You During a Separation


Separating from your spouse can be an emotionally and financially harrowing and confusing process. There’s already a lot at stake, but the process instantly becomes a lot harder when kids and financial assets are involved. Aside from dealing with your own trepidations, you also have to account for how the separation will impact your kids’ lives as well. Drastic changes are inevitable during this difficult time, but hiring the right family law firm in Toronto can help facilitate the process and ensure that both yours and your kids’ best interests are taken into consideration.

Experienced family lawyers can do the following for you:

Negotiate Separation Terms on Your Behalf

Hiring a single or team of divorce lawyers in Toronto means that you’ll always have someone fighting for your legal rights, asking all of the right questions, and reviewing all legal documents with a fine-toothed comb before you sign them. Since they’re also responsible for negotiating the terms of your separation from your spouse, family lawyers are well-versed in the laws that dictate the stipulations of your case and won’t be easily intimidated by their opposing counsel.

Help You Understand Your Legal Options

While it’s perfectly legal to represent yourself in any official court or mediated proceedings, it’s highly recommended that you hire a designated lawyer who specializes in family or divorce law. The reason for this is that oftentimes citizens are unaware of the numerous laws that exist in their jurisdictions and it’s very easy to misinterpret laws and customs if you lack the necessary experience. Divorce lawyers have extensive training and firsthand experience in negotiating contracts and separation terms, which mean they also have the necessary knowledge to explain all of your legal options and provide advice on the best recourse for your specific case.

Provide Advice in Domestic Violence Cases

Oftentimes, victims of domestic violence may feel intimidated even by the mere presence of their spouses and this can hinder their ability to make rational decisions regarding their separation and divorce. Having legal representation in cases like this is a good idea because it means your lawyer can do all of the negotiating for you and you can even opt to not attend proceedings if your soon-to-be former spouse is going to be there. Additionally, family and divorce lawyers are also equipped to argue in your favour to protect you and your children from further abuse at the hands of your abuser.

Facilitate Communication Between the Two Parties

Another important reason you need a practiced family lawyer on your side is because oftentimes you and your spouse might disagree about the exact terms of your separation. That’s problematic because in order for a divorce to be legally finalized without delay, all parties must agree to the terms and conditions. Otherwise, the divorce will be considered contested, in which case you and your spouse will be forced to go to trial. The right legal counsel can advise you on the right course of actions to take and when you or your former spouse are well within your legal rights.

The family and divorce lawyers at Sutherland Law are committed to providing our clients with the absolute best legal services possible. We work closely with all of our clients to understand their needs and concerns and help them achieve the optimal results for their case. Contact us today to schedule an in-person consultation.Image Credit: