Family Law Tips to Help You Win Your Child Custody Case


Whether you and your spouse were married or living common law, there are a lot of factors that go into dissolving a union, especially one where kids are involved. Child custody and child support are just two of the things you must consider during this transitional period in your life.  Custody grants a parent(s) the right to make important decisions about how to care for and raise their child, particularly involving their education, religion, and/or health.
With the help of an experienced family lawyer, you can sort out any custody issues that may arise between you and your ex and come to an agreeable conclusion for both sides. Here are a few things you can do on your end to facilitate your case.

Educate Yourself on Family Law

You should acquire a basic understanding of how family law works, what it entails, and how it pertains specifically to your case. Use this acquired knowledge to work alongside your family lawyer to further your case and work toward a favourable outcome for you, your kids, and your spouse, if possible. Your lawyer is there to serve as a guide to help you understand Ontario’s justice system. Ask your lawyer for clarification on any and all concepts that are unclear to you.

Avoid Conflict with Your Former Partner

The last thing you want to do is make yourself look bad in front of a judge, jury, or mediator who has the power to decide your case. Try to avoid conflict with your former spouse as much as possible, regardless of how you feel about them personally, as this could impact the outcome of your case.

Provide Advice in Domestic Violence Cases

Oftentimes, victims of domestic violence may feel intimidated even by the mere presence of their spouses and this can hinder their ability to make rational decisions regarding their separation and divorce. Having legal representation in cases like this is a good idea because it means your lawyer can do all of the negotiating for you and you can even opt to not attend proceedings if your soon-to-be former spouse is going to be there. Additionally, family and divorce lawyers are also equipped to argue in your favour to protect you and your children from further abuse at the hands of your abuser.

Facilitate Communication Between the Two Parties

Make an earnest attempt to work things out amicably and work together with your legal counsel and ex to determine a favourable outcome for all parties involved. At the end of the day, both parents are entitled to remain active parts of their children’s lives, unless they demonstrate otherwise through their actions and words. 

Pursue Child Support Vigilantly

If you’re granted sole or joint custody of your children, you can apply for child support from your former spouse. Even if your request for child support has been denied by the judge presiding over your case, you have the right to appeal the ruling, especially if you can prove how much you would greatly benefit from receiving financial assistance from your ex. Always make sure there’s a paper trail when performing child support transactions (i.e. cheques or money orders) so that you have proof of payment and receipt.

Hire an Experienced Family Lawyer in Vaughan

Sutherland Law has been proudly serving the Vaughan community for 30 years. Our family lawyers are highly skilled and experienced in arguing child custody and support cases in front of judges, juries, and in private deliberations. Contact us today to meet with a lawyer.

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