Welcome to Building Blocks!


Construction: it surrounds and pervades every corner of our lives. The house you live in? Someone built it. The roads you drive on? Someone paved them. The gym you go to? Someone dug out and leveled the earth, poured in and secured a concrete foundation, and subsequently spent years raising the structure and adding the final touches.

But it is not just “someone”. The construction industry relies on a complex inter-connection of many workers from many trades coming together to produce what you see as the ultimate result. Typically, each project is made-up of a contractual pyramid with owners on the top and contractors, sub-contractors, and material suppliers on the bottom, which is typically referred to as a Construction Pyramid.

So how does one wrap their head around the regulation of this complex industry? Welcome to the Building Blocks! This is a blog intended for contractors, owners, legal professionals, or individuals with a thirst for knowledge in Construction Law. Starting from the foundations of Construction Law, we intend to dissect the Construction Act (formerly known as the Construction Lien Act) section-by-section, block-by-block, and reveal its inner workings, its applicability to everyday and novel situations, and points of intellectual debate.

We look forward to your participation in the creation of our Construction Act pyramid.

Until next week!

Sutherland Law Staff Writer